

So maybe the plan has worked: I called this blog ‘Monsoon Meandering’ and so far there’s no sign of the monsoon…actually hold that thought as I’ve just looked out of the window and it’s raining, lots.

We thoroughly expected to get soaked everytime we went sight-seeing due to torrents of rain falling from the sky, not because there was too much sunshine.

According to my £1.99 thermometer it’s only about 30c here at the moment but it feels hotter than in Ranthambhore on the last trip when it was 45c.

Luckily Jane and Amy realised that us British are often regarded as eccentric so out came their umbrellas to act as parasols, whilst Emilia and I kept a very respectful distance. I was happy to be led by Emilia who said “oh dear, not cool”.

Whilst walking around Delhi’s superb Red Fort (link to article) we realised that the heat wasn’t just driving us nuts, the birds were going (for) nuts too*

Some bird

…and so were the chipmunks**



* okay, perhaps that bird isn’t eating a nut but I couldn’t tell from a distance

** okay, perhaps that’s not actually a Chipmunk but they looked the same height as the UK’s favourite vertically challenged pop star of the same name.