Well actually, I haven’t.
In fact, just the idea of it sounds scary after receiving so many spam emails over the years.
The last post talked about our medication options for Malaria and once I decided on which one we’d go for it was time to get hold of some.
Why not wait to buy them in India?
A good question as they’re so much cheaper but I don’t want to back myself into a corner, having to hunt high and low for tablets on the first few days of my holiday, when I should already be taking the tablets.
Doxycycline is only available in the UK with a Doctor’s prescription, which a Doctor won’t give you.
A fine oxymoron, unless of course you get your wallet out and then suddenly a
prescription isn’t a problem at all.
My options were limited:
– Go to my surgery and get a private prescription for £15.
– Get a private prescription in person from a travel clinic somewhere then source the tablets
– Use an online pharmacy that can also give you a private prescription
– or maybe I could have just replied to one of the many spam emails I get…okay, maybe not.
Off I searched to locate an online pharmacy, controlled by the rules of the UK NHS (National Health Service), which deals with exactly the same medicines I would have got from my local pharmacy.
The private prescription service for most online companies seems to revolve around you answering – truthfully! – some questions, your order is then placed, a real Doctor then checks your answers to the questions and approves the prescription before your medication is dispatched.
The questions for Malaria are;
– Are you pregnant or do you intend to become pregnant during your trip or within 3 months afterwards?
– Are you breast-feeding or will you be during your trip?
– Have you been diagnosed with liver disease?
– Have you been diagnosed with kidney disease?
– Do you have epilepsy or seizures?
– Are you taking the anticoagulant warfarin (Used to thin the blood)?
– Are you aware that no malaria tablet provides 100% protection?
– Are you aware that if you get a fever between 1-week and 1-year after exposure you should seek medical attention and tell the doctor the background?
– I will read the patient information leaflet supplied with my tablets.
– The tablets are for my own use.
– I am over 18.
– I agree to the terms and conditions.
After checking a few reviews I opted, rather nervously, for www.doctorfox.co.uk and I’d be lying if I said the low price of prescription (£5) and pills didn’t entice me further.
Immediately after ordering the pills I received confirmation messages, the next day I was notified that the Doctor had approved my answers and my order was confirmed. Today I received an email to say that the order is in the post.
It was so easy.
I will still need to buy some more in India but I’ve got enough to last me for quite a while.
Now, back to www.doctorfox.co.uk… I wonder if they sell other blue pills that I often get spam emails about.
(I’m joking!)
Yesterday I arrived home from work to find my pills waiting for me. That’s a great service, ordered late on Saturday night, prescription approved on Sunday, pills arrived on Tuesday.
Whilst doing maintenance on this site I read this page again, then went off to check the current options/prices.
Doctor Fox still exists, four week supply of Doxy is £14.90 with a £2 prescription charge.
In India you usually don’t need any prescription to buy drugs, not that it is legal, but frankly, no one actually cares!